Joys and sorrows
Kelvin's house party on the twenty-second was really cool. The plants were lined with lights and there were tables for four arranged on the concrete, a buffet table, dessert table, and bottles of red and white wine. A television set and stereo (?) system was also set in a corner, with a mike, but none of us wanted to sing. Lol. Quite a few people came; it was a mini-reunion of some sort, although some of Kelvin's Atenean friends attended too. Anyway, the salad was especially good, and the wine went down quite well. We went home early, though, as I was merely going with a friend who couldn't stay too late. Apart from parties and gimmicks, I've been doing a lot of things at home, too. Firstly, I've been watching A LOT of TV. I got to watch 50 First Dates and Catwoman on HBO the other day, both movies of which were awesome. I've been watching all the usual shows I watch, plus rewatching some DVDs. Another, more useful thing I've been doing is self-studying Spanish. I always loved the language, I just never finished the book my dad bought me about a year ago. I've completed seven chapters so far, and to help myself improve, I've been tuning in to our sole Spanish channel as well, although I understand nothing of what they say. I am determined to be able to, however, soon enough, and I'm equally determined to write an entry here entirely in Spanish once I learn enough of the language to do so. Of course, my Learn Spanish book isn't all I read. I've finished reading two books I recently bought and I'm reading the stories we never took up in Lit class too. I'm also browsing through my siblings' computer books to prepare for the ITM exam, and I've started reading Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. AGAIN. For about the twentieth time. Ja and I enrolled at Socialites just the other day, as well. We start lessons on November fifth. Both of us are driving a CRV. Not exactly my choice of car, but it'll do. I'm so excited to finally learn to drive. It'll be so much more convenient. Soon, whenever I crave for Doritos and the driver's somewhere else, I can just drive on to the grocery store and buy one without having to wait all day for him to come back home. And speaking of snacks, I took the liberty to buy out the whole junk food section of Parco a few days back, because I couldn't possibly watch Million Dollar Baby or leaf through Cosmopolitan without munching on something. Obviously I'm exaggerating, just as I am when I say that my leg needs to be amputated for permanent damage. It could be permanent, though, what do I know? It's been hurting in the same spot for weeks now, everytime I exert too much effort. We're going to see a doctor soon, even though none of us has any idea which doctor to visit nor what exactly the problem with my leg is. It couldn't hurt at a worse time, because the wushu evaluations are a mere two weeks away, and I've missed SO MANY classes because I had no wish to aggrieve my leg any further. And obviously my performance won't be as good as if my leg were in perfectly good conditions. But God will make a way. He always does. He did with my dog. I'm incredibly happy to say that he's improved greatly- his appetite has returned, he coughs less, and he's not suffering from lethargy anymore. He's been jumping around quite energetically, and everytime I see him I smile and my heart fills with joy. Sadly, whereas my dog lives, my godfather, who is also my dad's best friend, passed away a couple of days ago. He's been in a coma for a few weeks, and they decided to pull the plug. His family has accepted his fate, though. My parents have as well. He's to be buried tomorrow. This is why life has been compared to a wheel- sometimes it's up there, and sometimes it's under. I remember not so long ago seeing my godfather at a party for his first grandchild. He was as gay and lively as could be. Nobody knew what was coming. He was only forty-nine when he died. Sad, I know, but there is always happiness in the midst of sorrow. It comes in various forms; even the littlest things can brighten up one's day. Such as buying six gorgeous 2006 calendars and a bunch of yellow roses, as my mom and I did earlier today. Even coming home from working at my dad's office, knowing that in my small way, I've helped him somehow. And so, because of these things, each one of us comes to appreciate the beauty, hope, and cheer still left in the world and are able to transcend the loss and pains, learning and becoming stronger through the trials we've overcome.
Are you crying now? Haha. I'm so dramatic.
Are you crying now? Haha. I'm so dramatic.
At 6:15 PM,
Beautiful Disaster said…
Haha. I bet you'll be studying French soon, right?
My reply to that is..
Ralph es makapal. Hahaha.
At 12:33 PM,
Beautiful Disaster said…
Thanks for the help. I don't think it's muscle pain, though.
I see. No, I knew what it meant. =) So what language are you gonna choose?
Ken's a martial artist I met through Friendster.
At 9:51 AM,
Beautiful Disaster said…
Spanish is your second language? Then what's the first you learned?
At 12:26 PM,
Beautiful Disaster said…
Haha. Ok Ralph.
Thanks again Ken. =)
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