confessions of a teenage fashionista

-inside a girl's compicated mind-



Today was, undoubtedly, one of my best birthdays ever.

Thank you so much to everyone who made this day so special.

To Rachel, Ariel, Glenn, Dan, Marlon, Jeremy, Justin, Jon, Noel B, Wayne, Emmeline, Byron, Jensen, Erica R, Lauren, Ja, Megan, Joan, Jarwin, Howard, Niks, Paul, Reg, Matthew, Terence, Ange, Andrew, Coy, Gi, Alvene, Raphael, Jed, Wes, Riz, Vib, Jourd, Bjorn, Drew, Ralph, Marc T, Jaq, Harley, Jeff, Mike, Kathleen - your remembering means a lot to me.

To everyone in Invictus who wrote messages for that birthday CD, I have never received anything so meaningful. I was crying the whole time. Thanks, especially to Ja, who made it. I miss you all so much.

To my beloved block Q, today wouldn't have been the same without you. Thank you for what you did - you guys are so sweet. Love you all. Quoting Hannah, "You make my heart melt."

To my English block, thank you for singing such a nice happy birthday.

To Sir Samar, Sir Exie, and Ma'am Yap, thank you for your greetings.

To my family, everyday is beautiful because of you. And today is perfect because you were there to celebrate with me. Words aren't enough to express the depth of my love for you.

And to everyone else who've made me smile today, thank you.